Friday, September 16, 2005

project "progress"

I've been swamped with family, work and red cross stuff, but thought I would touch base about my projects to stay 'accountable'. I will take a photo soon of some of the stuff I am working on.

The poncho is coming along slowly but surely. I add a row when I get a chance. I am actually at a point now where I am waiting for my LYS to call me for when my 'bark' yarn is in.

I'm working on a scarf at work (when I get a chance in a craft group) that is black red-heart yarn and a nice thin eyelash yarn that I used in a previous project. The wool poncho has started to turn me into a bit of a yarn snob. (!) The acryllic just doesn't feel right anymore. The scarf is more of a fun stress-reliever than true goal-oriented project.

Oh, and, yeah, I thought I would include the above picture of Mason just because I can relate...

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